On his dazzling coat, was the glint of sunshine,
His hooves sturdy as iron, his head held high,
He flicked his mane full of hair oh so fine,
With looks that’ll kill and an attitude that’ll never die.
Category Archives: Rhythmic Thoughts
The Sparrow
Amongst the green bulrushes, lay the sparrow, singing his song,
Tirelessely waiting for the day to dawn.
Showing off his colourful chest, to the whispering breeze,
A headwind is coming along, his altitude he had to increase.
The River
On the banks of the river, the water does lapse,
At the time of the silent evening din.
Water flows past the jagged rocks, rather huge or thin.
On the peaceful water, swim ducks, looking for the evening grubs.
The croaky toad curiously watches on, amidt the mossy shrubs.
The City
The City, within the range of my sight,
With cars zooming past, where planes take flight.
I walk past many gigantic buildings,
Oblivious to all this smoke.
I hear a cackle of laughter,
The results of the bartenders nitwit joke.
Zoom goes past a butterfly,
I hear the wind, hard on my face, blow.
I watch grass shoot up from the ground,
I see the leaves, with a hidden glow.
The last traces of winter clears,
And the spring laughingly shows.
Have you ever visited the meadows, at dawn.
Have you ever gone there, when you’re so forlorn.
Have you tramped past the meadows, lush green.
Shining brightly, with a vibrant sheen.
Have you gone there, when somebody’s been mean.
Shout out loud, nobody will ever hear a scream.
If you ever have a problem, ever be lone.
Go watch the butterflies, and your troubles will be long gone.